Thursday, October 15, 2009

Non-New Years Resolution: Unplugging My Brain

I have a list of things going that I want to accomplish. They're non-academic goals, like learn how to play the guitar, knit things and finish my book. In any given day, we have a lot going on. Between playing chauffeur to R, Mr. A being homeschooled, Miss A trashing the house, sometimes work, sometimes the lab, I just shut down sometimes. It can be overwhelming. But I'm not writing to complain. If I wanted to drop something, then it would be done.

My point is, sometimes it can be really hard to make (not find) time to get around to the things I want to do to enrich my life instead of just living it. My biggest nemesis is the computer, for a variety of reasons, the most prominent being that I've used this stupid thing to work for four years, and that's a hard habit to break. And school was on the computer for two years before that.

No more. There's a story online that I'm wrapping up, and I don't mind accessing my lessons on YouTube, but I'm done. I'm unplugging my brain. I'm giving myself permission to do these things:

1. Check my email
2. Update my blog (that was one of my goals)
3. Read the two blogs I read
4. Watch my daily lessons
5. Play the original Oregon Trail online with Mr. A

I'm actually excited about it. In a few weeks, I'll probably go back to Facebook on occasion. I'm tired of my entire homepage being covered with political crap. That's not networking.

Another benefit of unplugging is I think my life will get a lot more interesting. I'll have the time and the energy to do things that aren't on my enrichment list. It'll be good.

Now that the weather has cooled down, I want to make good on my promise to take the kids to the park often. I can knit or study Latin while they play, or if I'm REALLY feeling like unplugging, I can revert back to being an oversized kid and play with them. It's a little harder when you're lugging around a giant camera all the time, but I think I can manage every once in awhile. ;)

Last night, M set up the camera to take long exposure shots, and he and Mr. A drew pictures with a light. I've never joined them before, but I did last night. It was fun. I think we should do it more often.

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