Sunday, November 15, 2009

Visiting family. . .

I've had these pictures up in Photobucket for over a week, but I haven't made a post about them. I'm trying really hard to get caught up on blogging, so there will probably be multiple posts today.

Last weekend, my dad came to town. Well, sort of. He came two hours south of us, anyway. His kids stayed with my aunt last week while my dad and his wife went to Hawaii. Nice vacation for them! :)

Anyway, we decided to head down there to see them, because it has been well over a year since I've seen my dad. Some people ask if that's weird. The frame of mind I'm in now after my mom died, well, nothing is weird anymore. So no, it's not really weird.

The family is fun. They're willing to risk looking uncool to have fun playing things like Rock Band, which makes them decidedly cool. The adults got into it, the kids were definitely into it, and I think (or hope) everyone had a good time.

I'm glad they chose to go to my aunt's house, because her house rocks. It really does. She's got all these sheep, pigs, horses, dogs and chickens. Oh, and the cats. Miss A is in heaven when we go because of all the cats, and if there's anything other than Poodle and Care Bears that Miss A obsesses over, it's the cats. Mr. A, on the other hand, likes playing City Boy Farmer. He likes collecting eggs and just generally looking at (not really doing much else to) the horses and sheep.

We did get some pictures of the kids with my dad before we left. It was a rather silly photoshoot. Mr. A really gets a kick out of J, who yes, is technically his uncle. But honestly, I don't really think about labels, not even with other members of my family. It's a byproduct of being weird, I guess. J is three years younger than Mr. A, but they get along pretty well.

The baby on my dad's lap isn't Miss A, who is obviously on his right. That's S, HIS baby. If you're thinking, "Wow, Miss A and S look very close in age!", you're right. Miss A is one month older than S. For some odd reason, though, Amazon Miss A is a bit taller than the petite S, who is really a very sweet baby. S also seems a bit more into socializing with people, unlike Miss A who acted like she was borderline autistic throughout our visit. Go figure.

So all the kids had a blast together, except Miss A, who had a blast by herself.

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