Thursday, June 24, 2010

Two Steps Forward, No Steps Back

Finally! I like it when things go without a hitch.

Both times we've moved out of the country (although I can't really say we've moved yet), one of the biggest concerns has been, "What will you do for work?!" This really isn't so much a concern as you would think. Mostly because it's pretty easy to survive. Trust me on this.

I have a job. It pays me fairly well. It doesn't pay me so well when the exchange rate is so high and we have to have $2600 for one-way tickets, $1000 for temp accommodation, $3,000 for our apartment deposit, $750 for shipping, potentially $1,200 for visas (we'll see). . .well, all those things add up fast, don't they? And that's not even considering food and all that great stuff. So my job has been a saving grace, but moving is expensive. Moving out of the country is REALLY expensive. Is it worth it? Yep. It is to me. It really doesn't matter WHY, either. Just like staying in this city is worth it to other people.

But people are obsessed with the job issue. It's a big one. At least, it must be, because SO MANY people are asking about it. "Can you work in London?" "What is M going to do?" "Has he applied for any jobs over there?" "Can he transfer with the company?" It goes on and on and on. So, I can now say that M (imagine with a sweeping arm gesture) officially has a job he can do in London. He's working for my company in a completely different department. I'm really interested to see how he's able to make positive changes there. I think he's got some great ideas and is exactly what a company like this needs. It should be fun.

Now he gets to work from home. He'll see what fun it is. And really, it's no fun at all. Why do it, then? Because at least I get to stay home with the kids IF they need me for something, and we save on childcare. But it's exhausting and much more difficult than most people think. In some ways, I kind of feel bad for him.

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