Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Day Mini-Minion Earned A Belly Badge


This is what I woke up to after a nap one day. I guess working from home isn't too bad for M. . .he gets to spend his afternoons drawing Care Bear belly badges on his grateful daughter, who somehow got orange marker on her face in the process. Seriously, how excited was she? She spent the rest of the afternoon giving us Care Bear Stares.


So. . .England is cold. When it's windy, it's downright AWFUL. But still, I wouldn't trade it for anyplace in the world. :) I really love living in London. Well, maybe I'd trade it for Paris. Maybe. Maaaaybe.


The kids like it. Well, I guess Mini-Minion doesn't know any better. But Mr. A says if our family and his friends were here, he'd rather live here than where we were living. They've got access to so much more here, though.


I'm starting to realize the thing that really sucks about playing catch up with a blog is I forget all the witty things I've been planning in my head. And oh, believe me. They were witty.


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