Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

I take no responsibility for the weekend outfits. I was in a field class, recording a Native American site in the foothills. . . .far away from these questionable outfits.

Mr. A and Miss A had quite the busy day. They went to a Guitar Hero competition, where Mr. A did really well! He didn't win, but he came close. It was his first competition, and he was so excited! I'm sad that I missed it. After the competition, they went to a soccer clinic sponsored by the local semi-pro (or whatever you call them in soccer) league. Mr. A had a BLAST!

You'd think that would be enough, but no! When they got home, Mr. A and Miss A's daddy set out a tarp, turned on the sprinklers, and created a makeshift slip n' slide. Both kids were worn out by the end of the day.

Miss A started the day out in the Matilda Jane Casey Ellie halter TOP. Emphasis on the TOP. Her daddy thought it was a dress (to be fair, we did use it as a dress. . .when she was 5 months old) and didn't think the Bloom Bloomers (that were also on the hanger) matched. So he threw those on the ground (Yes! What a horrible person! :P) and found a pink diaper cover he thought looked good.

I told Mr. A and his daddy to find something from the Gymboree line Rock On to wear. Well, they found some shorts from Gymboree, and they did ok with a Target play shirt, but then they thought the outfit was missing some color. So they added red Chucks. Ahhhhh. . .this is why daddy doesn't pick out outfits.




Now, both the kids have lots of swimsuits. So what did their daddy pick? A swim diaper and a pair of PJ BOTTOMS! Yes, my son wore pajamas to play on the makeshift water slide.



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