Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween hayrides, car accidents and costumes

We'll get the gross stuff out of the way first. I like Wednesdays. That's not really gross. I like them because those are the days when I'm free from the kids for a few hours in the morning and I get to do grown up stuff like process archaeological collections and compile artifact lists. It's a lot of fun.

On my way to the lab today, I was getting off the freeway and there was a red light. Normally red means stop, so my car decided it would be best to stop. Good stuff, right? Well, the car behind me decided it wasn't having any of that red light stuff, and so it not-so-gently tapped my car to. . .encourage. . .it to go through the red light. And now I have a nice case of whiplash, which is the first one I have ever had. It's not enough for me to need to immobilize my neck or anything, and I can still do things around the house (darn!), but it is sore. And I do have a slight headache tonight that may or may not be related.

Fortunately, there wasn't much damage to the car. Sometimes I like my car.

Ok, now that the bummer stuff is out of the way, we can talk fun things. We made good on our promise to take the kids on the hayride last night. It was a lot of fun. It was a "haunted" hayride, and there were lots of semi-scary things that jumped out at us on our trip.

There were also other things to do there, like play in a corn kernel. . .pit(?). The kids really enjoyed that, but they couldn't wear shoes, and it was cold outside. I felt a little bad, but they didn't seem to be bothered by it at all.

M talked Mr. A into trying to make a corn kernel angel. It didn't come out well, but he tried. And he spent the next couple of minutes picking corn out of his clothes.

There were all these characters walking around the property, and one of them was this mutant rat. I can't remember what his name was, but it was something like Leroy. Anyway, Miss A was positively enthralled with him. It was actually kind of funny. She kept wanting to touch him and give him high fives.

When the rat had to leave, Miss A was very concerned about where he was going. After he left, she was ready to put her shoes back on and follow him all over the place.

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And so that was our adventure last night. Tonight I get to keep going on the Halloween costumes, because I'm getting closer to finishing. Now comes the sewing part, which is the worst. Blah. Here is Miss A's stuff in its disassembled state. I made my own pattern from one of her other dresses. I'm not sure how it will come out. It makes me nervous.

And here is the next phase of Mr. A's costume. Now comes fitting the eye holes with the sunken-in "netting" and smoothing out the rough edges (like the nose holes). It should be completely finished tomorrow and I can start on his actual clothes. The head is lumpy, but in my defense, I've never done papier mache before, and I didn't have a round mold to help guide me. Hopefully my inability to craft properly won't cause Mr. A to need therapy. It'll be good enough for trick-or-treating at any rate.

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