Today is Mr. A's seventh birthday. I'm not really too sure how I feel about that. He was excited. Both kids had multiple outfit changes today.
Miss A started the day off in the Janie and Jack Metallic Mist dress, which was SO cute, but before lunch was finished, she decided she shouldn't have to wear a bib while eating an oreo, so she pulled it off. We didn't see eye to eye on the whole not wearing a bib thing, and the dress was the unfortunate casualty.

Next up was the orange J&J Tropical Traveler dress. This is a 3-6 month dress. It runs VERY large. Super cute, though! The bowband was a gift from our aunt, and it matches perfectly. :)

It got a little too cold for this tonight, though, so I put her in a Gap Sunflower dress. Underneath is the Matilda Jane Elaina top. I don't love the Converse with the dress, but I didn't have many other options. In the first pic, the dress is nowhere near as long as it looks. It was just the angle I was shooting. It actually comes to just below her knees--a great length!

Mr. A's first choice was the Boden target t-shirt. It's his favorite shirt. I had it on here about a week ago. Anyway, there was an unfortunate mishap with his first outfit before I had a chance to take a picture of it, so we changed him into this Boden outfit. We need the other three pairs of baggies! Boden is just way too cute for boys his age.

My happy birthday boy. :)