Friday, April 3, 2009

April 1, 2009

I did not have a single prank played on me today. That was nice, because I wouldn't have been caught off guard anyway, so at least I didn't have to pretend to be fooled.

Oh, the clothes. That's right. That's all that matters. :)

I put Miss A in her Matilda Jane Violet Knot today. I wanted something underneath it, though, so I put her black Eden's Bouquet top on. I don't know how much I love the combo, but really, it's ok for a day at grandma and grandpa's house. By the time I snapped this pic, she was a mess. Her hair is kind of getting out of control.


Mr. A wore Gymbo pants and a shirt, both of which were from the Rock On line. I loved this line when it came out, but now I'm not so sure. Yes, he's holding a doll. He was trying to get Ava to take care of her new baby.


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