Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

I love Fridays! Even more than regular Fridays, I love the Friday school breaks start, because it just seems like a relaxing day. I don't know why.

Our wonderful friends Riley and Allie, who are the only people who read this blog anyway, let us borrow this outfit. I'm so glad they did--it's way too cute! Both pieces are from Gymboree's Petite Mademoiselle line, which is perfect, since one of my nicknames for Miss A is Petite Mad. :)


I almost forgot to take pics tonight, so here's one of Mr. A and his daddy while we were watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." It's a good thing my husband is used to my insanity and pretty much indulges me. Mr. A is wearing Knuckleheads pants and a Small Paul shirt. I love Small Paul!



  1. haha ohhh whatever, you have two followers! I bet a ton of people click the link and look too. Seriously, check your "hits" or whatever. Comments don't show an accurate number ;)

    I love her in the CB from yesterday and this is just perfect on her! I guess Petite MAD works for her new developing attitude, eh? haha

  2. LOL--the other one is Sara. :D I don't have a hit counter on here. I figured I was basically getting into the groove of blogging since I've never been good at doing it. I know I'm pretty much so talking to the two of us.

    At least I have company! And it'll be fun for the kids when they get older.
